Getting Closer to the Real Deal

BLOG ENTRY 36 - 10.21.2021


I have not posted in the past 2 months mostly because I’ve been busy working on a lot of backend stuff, again nothing shiny. I’ve been improving on my old code and fixing minor issues, as a result I’ve had to iterate and rework/redesign how the features work in the game. One of the main lessons I’ve learned while working on this game is the fact that it’s not as simple as saying “We need an Inventory system”.

I’m not referring specifically to the coding side of things, but rather the micro decisions that you need to make before hand and test to find out if they’re viable. As it stands I believe I’m on my 6th iteration of the inventory and equipment screen.

The problem comes from a simple fact. There is no one right way to make an inventory. There are so many different games with really good inventory systems that choosing which works best for the game has been difficult.

Another problem is the issue of Inheritance. Since this is at it’s heart an ARPG, I’ve had to examine a lot of features that are standard of any game like it. Minimap, Implemented, then realized it was unnecessary. had to redesign. Showing the character on screen in the inventory system. Implemented. unnecessary as well. Another redesign. You get the idea. “Taking what works and redoing it” simply doesn’t work when you’re trying to design something different. Because even if it works for other games. there’s no guarantee that it’ll work for you.

Regardless of the Iterations, I believe I am close to getting it where it needs to be in order to continue working on other features, such as dialog and the attachment system for the weapons. It’s all interconnected. So decisions you make for one feature can impact another in ways you don’t really expect.

This is a Chunky Update so… you’ve been warned.


I have found a few bugs that have been hindering the progress of getting it fully functional. And I know I’ve yet to explore the full possibilities of the implementation. but once I got more actions and animations in place I’ll provide a better update.


First Loot Drop

First Loot Drop

After the creation of the Master weapon. The next step was getting an enemy to drop it. I’ve implemented a very basic loot drop code in order for it to drop the weapon. I had to mess around with some physics and stuff but with a few tweaks and some spreadsheet work, I can make custom loot drop tables in order for enemies to drop appropriate loot. The awkward feeling of killing a mouse and it dropping a legendary 2 handed weapon, it’s funny, but it breaks immersion.

I’m still working on the loot beam particle, But it looks pretty awesome too me so far. I just need to work on clarity. My intention is to have the particle effect on the weapon show Weapon element, Faction, Rarity. I may not need to have all of that, as once the player becomes familiar with what factions drop which elements, it might be unnecessary. However for Experimental weapons and Legendary weapons, It might help as the idea is that they break the element/faction rule. Once I start getting more guns designed I’ll see if it’s clear enough.


Inventory Update 10-2021

Inventory Update 10-2021

As I was mention earlier, I’ve been working on the equipment and inventory system, and the results have been great, It’s very close to what I want it to look like. The main Idea is to have all the information in front of you as clear as possible. Without feeling like an overload of information. That has been quite a challenge because I am not a graphic designer, what has helped me is that I’ve played tons of games, and already have an idea of everything is supposed to look like.

The next step for this is to get functionality into the actual system, so you can click change equipment etc. As it’s shown above I’ve made a lot of UI changes in order to clearly represent everything. I’ve updated the shield and health bar, and they are actually functional! yay!


Holomap Prototype

Holomap Prototype

After realizing that a Minimap in the traditional sense would not work. I’ve been trying to design a HoloMap, I’ve already got some resources to study in order to spawn the map. But I have to learn some vector math in order to map the players location in relation to the HoloMap. So for the time being this is in it’s early stages, but I’m hopeful I can get it working as intended.


Ammo & Currency Starter

I worked a little on the ammo and currency. So far I believe i’ve got most currencies, I need to make crafting resources for the crafting system. Right now I’m more concerned about getting the character to register and save your status. I’ve yet to decide how to make the save/load system. But I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.


The rest of the month I’m going to be working with getting all loot implemented. Making sure enemies drop different loot. as well as test out damaging the player. Hopefully I’ll have enough implemented for next update to show and not just tell.

Working hard… trust me… no really….

Daniel “Freaky” Aguilar

Game Designer

Plasmapunk Studios.

Daniel Aguilar