Taking a step back to get a better look

BLOG ENTRY 32 - 7.1.2021


I realize I hadn’t blogged since last month, but It has been an interesting month to say the least. I have signed up for Ryan Laley’s patreon in order to get some assistance with the systems I’ve been perpetually stuck on. So in order to be able to explain where I’m stuck I also have to take stock of what I’ve done so far.

I decided that I should do a pass on the entire project, starting with the Game design document. The Main reason is that several things have changed since my 1st draft. I’ve updated it but the last update was in March 2020. Not only am I updating the actual information of the game but I’m also updating the presentation. I am proud of the work that I did with that document, but honestly, It looks like a “boring” document. Even people involved with the game have their eyes glaze over after page 10, and that’s not a good thing.

Game Design Document 4.0

Game Design Document 4.0

So my plan is to work on the Document until the beginning of next week. I feel Like I’m almost done, but I have to rework the faction presentation, As I believe most of the information on the document can be used here on the webpage. and It would give a more in depth look into the type of story and universe I’m trying to create, as well as provide more info on the gameplay it self, since most of it is just either located on the document or here on the blog.


After I finish Revising the Design Document, I will do a pass on all the functions/features I have done, what is in a work in progress status, and most importantly, what has me stuck. I know there’s still a million things to do, but I feel like I’ve done quite a bit, come a long way from the basic work I started almost 3 years ago. Once I take stock of what work I need to do, I will try to finish task I can get done by myself and set aside anything that slows down my progress, and request help with those specific subjects.

I am hoping that this will allow me to speed up the process a little. I know making games is hard, even for people who know what they’re doing, and I started learning how to make them from scratch with no coding knowledge. So I can understand why it’s taking me so long, but I’d rather not let this idea linger and not get finished. While this is the game I want to make the most. I also want to make other games too. I don’t want this to be my only game. And If I am to achieve that, I need to finish this one first, in the highest quality I can.


Once I have finished reviewing the entirety of the project, I will work in sprints focusing on specific systems that don’t need other systems in order to work. I will begin by finishing the base abilities for all characters and starter weapons. Then I will work on the item and inventory system. Finally the NPC crafting and Dialogue systems. The cover system will continue to be in the backlog until I can consult on how to do it properly. I don’t want to start messing around and finding out I have to redo the entire thing months later.

I will also attempt to polish all the features that I currently have for them to feel better and function as bug free as possible. This is especially important since I’m working with the UE5 early access 2. I want to clear all the problems I have so far and then try to make the most of the tools I’m using, really take advantage of UE5.

For Now I’m going to keep working on the document for the rest of the week and start with the feature review next week. I will post an update on what’s going on in my next blog.

Thanks for reading!

Daniel “Freaky” Aguilar

Game Designer

Plasmapunk Studios

Daniel Aguilar