Tables, Tables and more... Tables

BLOG ENTRY 14 - 11.5.2020

This week I had more backend work to do to continue the inventory system. I have most everything prepared inside of unreal 4, so I can start making the Master Lootable Item. Continuing from last week was the design process for the items themselves. I believe I have come up with some really interesting items and effects. It wasn’t easy but I was able to create items that on paper seem very different from each other in a good way.

My theory is that if I make the base items interesting, even finding a common rarity item will feel rewarding and even push the player to experiment. So far from all the items I designed I think there is a LOOOOOT of possibility space when it comes to combination and play styles and that’s not even counting the base ability variations or weapon types or elemental damage type. All of this is just the armor pieces, shield and health pack.

I’m trying to make sure that it’s not too many items so scope doesn’t get out of control. But I think I’m still within a workable threshold, it’s just going to be a good amount of player customization. Considering it’s an indie game I think we’re good with just a small amount of items compared to other games, like diablo, torchlight, borderlands ETC.

So based on my previous posts, I’ve come up with interesting design solutions for each item. Head provides base armor, crit resistance and elemental resistance, but depending on the piece of equipment It will highlight different things on the screen, to sell that idea of sci-fi scanners. Implementing should not be too difficult If I can add one type of post process effect, the rest should be a piece of cake.

Sensors Visors and Lenses.

Sensors Visors and Lenses.

Chest items provide same base stats but also provide a sort of “toughness effect”. Granted these effects will still need to be coded, but I’m hoping that If I finish the ability system, it can greatly reduce the amount of work needed to implement these effects.

Base Armor and it’s effects

Base Armor and it’s effects

Leg armor will provide bonuses to mobility, shield will provide a temporary bonus besides the base protection of the shield. health packs will provide bonus over time, temporary armor, etc.

So when it comes to design I still have all the weapons with their respective effects, and finally the weapon modules to allow for further customization. It still seems like a lot. But it’s becoming less each time I progress. I’m trying to keep myself motivated the same way I do when I’m playing a game. Progress comes as long as you’re trying. I’m starting to feel like I’m getting there.

Halfway between crazy and genius

Daniel “Freaky” Aguilar

Game Designer

Plasmapunk Studios

Daniel Aguilar