BLOG ENTRY 9 - 9.24.2020

Well I didn’t post last week, it’s the first update in weeks I have missed. But oh boy let me tell you…

So unfortunately I kinda fucked my build, I was attempting to clean up my project to make sure I didn’t have a mess of things. I started cataloging the things in my project that I’m actually using to clean up assets I’m not, BUT FOR SOME REASON, I apparently had 2 instances of Ue4 open. so when I renamed my project folder and saved, and then closed it and saved again because I thought It hadn’t closed. I saved 2 instances of my entire project, under a different folder. And then I attempted to merge the folders and ended up with 4. Long Story short the references for everything got fucked and broke. And when attempting to delete the duplicate folders UE4 just up and crashed, I tried a few times but every time, a crash.

To make matters worse I have not set up source control properly and my last working copy was before I had added to assets so technically 4-5 versions ago. So my options to get back to the current version were limited. Either I tried to clean up the messed up version or I re-did all the code I’ve been doing over the past couple of months. I was able to work around it and opted to attempt a migration from the code I have already done to a duplicate of the last working version. So I was able to get it working on that version and imported all the assets that I did plan on using immediately.

I also worked on the HUD and I’m proud to say I was able to make a minimap, It renders everything and it’s a little buggy, but it works. The health/shield bar and Action bar aren’t connected to actual blueprints yet and that’s in part of the problem with the fucked build. The break happened while I was working on a Blueprint Ability system. I was already connecting it to the wrist weapon but then when it crashed I lost all the references and parents with the migration. So the wrist weapon currently doesn’t do damage, however, I think I can finish the ability system and plug it to the HUD and we’ll have a fancier version of the game.

UI + Minimap

UI + Minimap

So far so good considering the setbacks. There’s something else I need to address from a design point of view. Rene mentioned that he felt like there was no point to the minimap if it’s providing less information than you current top down view. And reluctantly after I had finished it I realized he’s kind of right. I attempted to extend the view enough to get more of the size but it basically looks just like a smaller version of your current view port.

The function of the Map is to orient you and I believe that this type of minimap is not going to cut it. I’ve since found a resource to create a “holographic map” of the surrounding area. It is a bit old but I believe I got the source for that working, If I can adapt it to my game it should look really cool, plus it would reinforce the sci-fi world/aesthetic that I’m going for. I Hope I’m able to get it done.

The cover system is still a bit to go and I also have to make an inventory and loot system, but I have some really good resources to try out, just a little closer to that full MVP, I feel Like I actually see the finish line for the first time, and that gives me hope.

Alright time to rest and keep working tomorrow. I’ll try to update next week with the holomap and see how far I get with the ability system.

Trying to keep it together.

Daniel “Freaky” Aguilar

Game Designer

Plasmapunk Studios

Daniel Aguilar